Hacking Of My Website As visitors will soon realize, the information on my website is, in my opinion, not information the pharmaceutical industry would probably want you to know (especially the stuff in my paper on Redefining The Role of Insulin and in my RESEARCH file). :o) My website has now been hacked twice in two years on two separate servers at my previous web hosting company which advertised on their site that they were "hacker safe". Since I had not updated to their servers in over a year and issues of "hidden links" on my site - per their email to me - originated in early June of 2007 - the hacking had to have been done at their end - not mine. I also use a different computer for surfing and/or email than I do for my website updates. The first time I was hacked (Oct. 2005), links just started to disappear from my website... I could slowly see them disappearing over the course of a few days. This second hacking consisted of "hidden text" or "hidden links" on my website... all links that took my visitors to websites for buying online drugs - again per an email from my previous web hosting company. These links were NOT put there by me. If anyone comes across such links, please contact me at the email provided below and tell me EXACTLY where you found the "hidden link". Note: Search engines take a very dim view of "hidden text" and/or "hidden links" and will remove your site from their indexes if this is not corrected. As such, any assistance visitors can provide is most appreciated. Also, if anyone gets a "File Not Found" message for one of my links this is most likely due to hacking also... I'm still repairing some of those, but if you find one, please refer it to me. I have spent a lot of time in research, providing tools, books, etc. to help families understand the issues... and, quite obviously, some out there would rather the public not be informed in these matters. So, again, your assistance with this is most appreciated. :o) I can be contacted at jbrohart@hotmail.com Updated November 9, 2007 |